Thursday, May 8, 2008

Masterpiece, my ass.

There are a few things I would like to say to Jimmy Stewart after my first viewing of Hitchcock's "Vertigo," and since I am trying to study for a Finnish exam I am going to write them first in Finnish and then retranslate. Because, let's face it, retranslated English is comedy gold.

Perkele, Jimmy Stewart! Minä en ollut koskaan katsonut "Vertigo"-elokuvaa. Aina minä kuuluin, että oli tosi hyvä elokuva, että näyttelijät olevat tosi rohkeat. Joo, kaikki rakastaa tätä elokuvaa.

Mutta en minäkään. Haluaisitko sinä miksi, Jimmy Stewart? Voisinko minä ilmoittaa? Koska sinä et ollut kilti, Jimmy. Elokuvan ensimäisessä osassa sinä rakastuit Kim Novakiin, ja oli ihmeellistä, oli kaunista. Mutta toisessa osassa Kim Novak kuoli, vaikka hän ei ollut oikeestaan kuollut, ja sinä tuli hulluksi. Sitten taas sinä tapasit Kim Novakin kanssa, ja taas rakastuit häneen. Mutta sinä halusit että toisen Kim Novakin tulla ensimäiseksi Kim Novakiksi -- sinä ostit vaatteet, sinä muutit hänen tukan vären! Hän ei ollut onnellista, mutta hän rakasti sinua. Sitten sinä oppit että ensimäinen Kim Novak ei ollut kuollut -- että toinen oli ensimäinen -- ja sinä päätit tappaa häntä! Ja tämä ei ollut ihmeellistä. Ei ollut kaunista. Nyt inhoan sinua, Jimmy Stewart. Minä menen katsomaan "Rear Window"-elokuvaa taas.

Oh, and by the way, there are going to be spoilers in this. Read ahead and save yourself the trouble.

Goddammit, Jimmy Stewart! I had never seen the movie "Vertigo." Always I heard, that it was a really good movie, that the actors were really fearless. Oh yeah, everyone loves this movie.

But not me. Would you like to know why, Jimmy Stewart? Should I inform you? Because you weren't nice, Jimmy. In the movie's first part you fell in love with Kim Novak, and it was wonderful, it was beautiful. But in the other part Kim Novak died, but she hadn't really died, and you went crazy. Then again you met Kim Novak, and again you fell in love with her. But you wanted the second Kim Novak to become the first Kim Novak -- you bought clothes, you changed the color of her hair! She wasn't happy, but she loved you. Then you learned that the first Kim Novak hadn't died -- that the second was the first -- and you decided to kill her! And this wasn't wonderful. It wasn't beautiful. Now I hate you, Jimmy Stewart. I'm going to go watch "Rear Window" again.

1 comment:

kalmisto said...

Hi Alicia !

I have Vertigo on tape and I have watched it several times, mainly to improve my English. I do not see that movie as a masterpiece but I admit that it is very entertaining and also very interesting until the big secret is revealed. Vertigo is also a bit illogical sometimes and it also has some errors but it was interesting to see the San Fransisco of the early 5o´s.

If you need help with your Finnish you could post language questions to the Kielikoulu ( Language School ) section of Finland Forum at :

Finland Forum has 14000+ registered members and it is a chat, support and information forum for foreigners living in Finland. All others are of course welcome also.

Ja kuka minä olen ? Olen suomalainen joka asuu Tukholmassa, Ruotsissa.

Hyvää viikonloppua !
( Have a great weekend! )